Resources for School Counselors | Reading Hospital School of Health Sciences

Help build the next generation of healthcare professionals.

As a School Counselor, we know you have an important and busy job as you help students navigate the college admission process. You are among our prospective students’ most trusted and important advisors. As partners in this work, we want to be as helpful as possible.

We’ve created a customized event and guide just for YOU! The guide includes quick information about the program

SOHS Counselor Referance Guide

School Counselors Reference Guide

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overviews, personal qualities that make ideal applicants in each field, career mobility, tips on how to prepare your students for admission, and why your students should choose Reading Hospital School of Health Sciences.

Please note: SAT or ACT scores are no longer required for admission to our programs.

We hope the Resources for School Counselors page will serve as a one-stop-shop for all things related to the virtual welcome tour, admissions process, and student life at Reading Hospital School of Health Sciences.

Reading Hospital School of Health Sciences provides high quality, affordable education, and a pathway to an exciting career in healthcare. We have been educating healthcare professionals for the future since 1889. We are recognized for outstanding academics and clinical experiences.

The School of Health Sciences offers several highly regarded hospital-based programs that are designed to develop extraordinary healthcare professionals. The mission of the school is to provide educational programs that develop competent and compassionate professionals capable of providing high-quality healthcare services to individuals, families, and communities. Our partnership with Alvernia University provides students with a challenging academic curriculum complemented by the clinical focus and hands-on experience provided at Reading Hospital and other Tower Health facilities. Our experienced classroom and clinical faculty are known for their dedication to helping students achieve success, and are committed to providing classroom, laboratory, simulation, and clinical experiences that support excellence in teaching and learning. Upon graduation, our students emerge as highly employable graduates with the opportunity to advance their career by pursuing higher education and advanced certifications. We offer the following programs of study:

Can't find what you're looking for? Please reach out to a member of our Admission team and we will gladly assist you.