Professional Licensure Disclosure | Reading Hospital School of Health Sciences

As of July 1, 2020, every Title IV eligible educational program designed to meet the requirements of a specific professional license is required by the Department of Education to disclose to current and potential students if the program curriculum meets, does not meet, or has not determined whether the curriculum meets the educational requirements of all states and jurisdictions. The following two programs at Reading Hospital School of Health Sciences (RHSHS) currently participate in Title IV funding:

  1. Nursing Program Professional Licensure Disclosure
  2. Medical Imaging Program Professional Licensure Disclosure

The institution has not made a determination whether the curriculum meets educational requirements with regards to specific states/jurisdictions other than Pennsylvania.

Other Professional Programs

The institution has not made a determination whether the curriculum meets educational requirements with regards to specific states/jurisdictions other than Pennsylvania.

RHSHS will determine the state in which the student is located in at the time of the student’s initial enrollment in an educational program. It is the responsibility of the enrolled student to notify their Program Director if that state location changes during the course of their program or upon graduation.